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How To Hold Our So-Called Representatives To Account
Ten questions you can send to every sitting MP NEXT year, a general election is due. Like many readers of The Light, I will not be...
Health, Profit or Control?
Questioning the narrative 19th March 2020, the UK government declared that Covid-19 was no longer considered to be a high consequence...
"Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic..."
All our problems are being blamed on the virus We are seeing it everywhere Whether it's in the mainstream newspapers, on the mainstream...
We are ALL vulnerable
"Learn to understand before assumption" We were told that breaking the rules could endanger the lives of our grandparents, but what the...
"Act Like You've Got It"
Never in our history have we experienced an elected government which has imposed such heavy-handed authoritarian and completely...
Are You Worried About Other Peoples Health?
Other people's health is NOT your responsibility This government uses force and coercion to manipulate the public into compliance, the...
How was Portugal?
The government does not represent or resemble the great values of this great nation being freedom and individual liberty Millions have...
Matt Hancock
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from 9 July 2018 to 26 June 2021 Accused of criminal behaviour and misleading MPs over the...
Freedom of Speech
We have been pushed, pulled and pitted against each other in a sea of misinformation Anyone who dares question the official narrative is...
Media Propaganda
Propaganda can be defined as a type of persuasion tactic which displays three general characteristics Firstly, propaganda is deliberately...
Mental Health Crisis
The Great Deep Rest The people want out of Government lockdowns suffocating their livelihoods and freedoms while stoking a growing mental...
Vaccine, Variant or Violation? Has anyone ever heard of the long-term risks associated with natural immunity? Natural immunity doesn't...
Anti-Body Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
New study finds vaccinated are at real risk For over a year, intensive research conducted by health experts has brought to light...
Experimental Vaccine with NO Legal Liability
Official data shows more people died due to the Covid-19 vaccine in 8 months than people who died of Covid-19 in 18 months Warning: This...
AstraZeneca puts Covid-19 vaccine trails on temporary hold after recipients 'potentially unexplained illness' "Is the cure worse than the...
Cool Face Mask Bro
Face masks pose serious risk to the healthy Several studies have found significant problems with wearing such a mask This can vary from...
Everything is OK*
*aslong as you do as you're told Johnson has treated you like a child for far too long - now he’s facing the consequences The government...
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