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There Is Nothing To Fear
FEAR is one of the controllers' favourite tools, and for good reason. It is an extremely powerful and efficient way for them to get what...
Why We Win
Humanity cannot be steered - it unfolds A MURMURATION of starlings is a wonder of nature, managed beyond the comprehension of human...
Don't Let Our Opinions Divide Us
Let's abandon rightness and direct our rage at the system "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand" IT is my...
War On Free Thought
Online Safety Law would censor and control ALL information Online Safety Law would censor and control ALL information WHEN the UK...
Break The Cycle Of Fear
Sowing seeds of humanity for the next generation HOW is a corrupt system able to destroy the ability of a society to stand firm in the...
Overgrowing The Regime With Hemp
MANY of the claims about hemp by HEMPEN ORGANIC sound a bit far-fetched: the seed is a superfood; hemperete is a wonder construction...
Rocket Science
It is stated by medical experts and virologists that wearing masks reduces necessary and offers little if any protection against...
The War On Masculinity
You have likely heard the phrase 'toxic masculinity', which has recently come into general use to discredit masculine behaviours. The...
People Got The Power
IMAGINE a world where everyone develops their individual talents, strengths and interests to their full potential, so everyone does what...
10 Steps To Mass Mind Control
According to recent rescarch into the 'illusory truth effect', it is relatively easy to brainwash people into believing a lie even after...
Politics Can Only Ever Be Corrupt
Casting a vote waters the roots of evil IT doesn't require great intellect or virtue to complain about the current political monstrosity...
Quiet Courage Of Those Who Resist
THE mass media - in partnership with government, institutions and celebrities - convinced millions that their welfare depended on...
How To Hold Our So-Called Representatives To Account
Ten questions you can send to every sitting MP NEXT year, a general election is due. Like many readers of The Light, I will not be...
Awakening From Mass Hypnosis
WE know that the state of trance hypnosis is achieved in only one of two ways; either overload of the central nervous system, or fatigue...
Do You Trust Your Government?
THERE can be no trust and ultimately no real democracy without transparency; if the government lies, is economical with the truth or...
How Much Do You Trust This Man?
Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population. He introduced his vaccine containing the electronic nanochip “marker” intended to “mark”...
Navigating Life Outside The Matrix
IN a world where information is power, being awake to the government's plots and the looming shadow of the New World Order can be both...
This Is About Control, Not Climate
THE COP26 in Glasgow last month brought together luminaries from across the world, to decide the future of our freedoms. We know from the...
Councils Should Prioritise The People, Not Net Zero
It's a choice between freedom and enslavement - the Earth will be fine THAMES Valley Police estimated two thousand, but anyone attending...
War On Humanity Disguised As Convenience
Terrifying curse of technology - computer age taking over our lives THE news that Lloyds, NatWest and other banks are to close more than...
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