You have likely heard the phrase 'toxic masculinity', which has recently come into general use to discredit masculine behaviours.
The implication is that certain natural male traits are somehow undesirable.
Of course, we should say that there are cases in which the term could be applied accurately, when domination and rage are expressed inappropriately. Nobody is justifying abuse, but perhaps such cases could also be understood as men resorting to their innate biological responses in trying to cope when they find themselves trapped in an insane society.
Either way, does it mean that men should strive to suppress their natural instincts and to try to behave more like women? Why should that even be a bad thing?
Of course, it is absolutely no bad thing to celebrate the feminine - quite the opposite! But why can't that continue to be the domain of women? Why make men more feminine?
We might even wonder whether the obvious war against meat could even be a cover for the drive to subvert manhood, with its push to promote soy-based products, loaded with emasculating phytoestrogens, in place of our natural, ancient and species-appropriate source of nutrition.
The way society is being pushed, even something as fundamental as our gender is now being presented as just another lifestyle choice.
And therein lies the real evil.
Under the smokescreen of words like
'equality' and 'justice', society is being driven down a dangerous path where even something as natural as sex will ultimately cease to have any meaning.
Let's be clear: 'equal' does not - and should never - mean 'the same. As the saying goes, 'God did not create women to do everything men can do. God created women to do everything men cannot do.'
We were not made the same. Genesis 5:2 says, "Male and female He created them, and He blessed them." To force us to meet in the middle neutralises both the divine masculine and the divine feminine, and is really an unforgivable curse against all that is good and holy.
In fact, the binary nature of the two sexes is a source of immense potential. Just like with magnets, strong poles create powerful forces. To seek to make the poles the same does not create power, but neutralises both.
Surely it is ultimately about control. The Owners need ever-greater control, so they need us to be controllable. Maybe the goal is not to make us more like women, but rather like infants, dependent and very little threat to them.
Yet this is all a distraction strategy because, all the while, the real domination continues.
The System has always been built on the principle of dominance, and throughout history, that power has been wielded overwhelmingly by men.
It is now trying to exert as much control as it ever has, over billions of souls on a worldwide scale.
It has ensured that violence is a tool reserved for the use of the powerful, while being criminalised for the subservient.
But now the System, run as it is by a small number of psychopathic men, is gaslighting us by reframing responsible masculinity as
'toxic masculinity'.
What it is in fact doing is projecting the violence and domination that it personifies, onto the rest of us, the 99% of men peacefully going about our daily lives.
Never forget that language is the System's primary tool of domination, because its control is illusory. The Owners do not have enough real power to control the 99% through overt force, which is why they must trick us with deception.
Their information channels whisper constantly into our ears, making us believe lies, persuading us that we and others are wrong, that the world is a horrible and dangerous place, and - ultimately - that the only salvation can be found through our accepting to live under ever-greater control.
So we are supposed to apologise for being who we are and doing what comes naturally. It wants us to equate those two words: toxic, and masculine, and make them inseparable.
This is typical of the Owners' playbook, using the majority as scapegoats for their sins, and language to change thoughts.
Those who do not make the decisions, who do not start the wars, who do not fly on private jets to Davos, who do not burn the rainforests or pour poison into the waterways... we are the guilty ones.
Evidently the System does not want men to exhibit manly behaviours, but why?
Men and women are capable of great selflessness, putting aside their own comfort or safety so that their families and children might have the chance to enjoy comfort and safety.
And that selflessness constitutes a clear and present danger to the System's interests. Of course, it wouldn't be an issue if the central bankers and all their cronies really wanted to make society work for the benefit of all, but they don't, do they? They both despise and fear us; they fear the 99%, and for very good reason.
Deep down, the reason is that these psychopathic scum who float on top of the very real labour and wealth of the rest of us are not on the side of the angels.
Despite all the green rhetoric, these creatures despise nature, detest everything that God and faith represent, and have nothing but contempt for natural law.
Because divine, natural law does not make mistakes. It is tuned to create endless beauty and variety and polarity and richness and abundance and joy and wonder. It does all this for the benefit of all life and in the service of all life.
The System, on the other hand, just wants to snatch as much as it can for itself. As William Burroughs described it so poetically: "What does the money machine eat? It eats youth, spontaneity, life, beauty and above all it eats creativity. It eats quality and shits out quantity."
We are not willing to be controlled. We are not willing to be transformed into something less than human, because humanity is an awe-inspiring expression of the beauty and power of creation.
Men don't want to be women. Women don't want to be men.
Let men be men, and make sure they know the responsibility of being the best men they can be. Let's raise our sons to place the ultimate value on their integrity and honour and strength and valour. Let them be in no doubt that their responsibility to protect the tribe comes first.
These masculine traits have never been toxic, not in a healthy and right-thinking society. We refuse to allow them to be branded that way.
So we choose to celebrate men and manhood, not because the day may come when they will be called upon to stand up and shield their loved ones... but because that day is already here.
Red Pill Revolution