It's not that the effects of the lockdown on the economy, jobs and stress are worse in terms of death than the virus. It's that lockdown is fundamentally unhealthy in every aspect
"The most significant interference with personal freedom in the history of the country"
Quarantine is unhealthy people being locked up
Tyranny is healthy people being locked up
No More Lockdown
Yes to body autonomy
Yes to freedom of speech
Yes to common law
"We are not fools or children needing to be told by ministers what is good for us and forced by police officers to do it"
Many will die as a result of continued lockdowns, which generally weaken the immune system
Essential medical procedures will be deferred and hospitals are compelled to focus on Covid-19
Rising socioeconomic despair will naturally lead to a surge in suicides
In the end, not all coronavirus deaths can be directly attributed to the virus, no matter how "experts" add them up