If you are reading this warning, then this warning is for you
Every word you read of this warning, is another second of your life
Do you always read the warning?
Do you give respect and credence to authority and all who claim it?
Do you read everything you’re supposed to read?
Do you think everything you’re supposed to think?
Buy what you’re told you should want?
Too often we misconstrue the evolution of life, we buy into the ideas that we must “become” someone to be great
But, greatness is already within us
The challenge is to not to strive to become something else but to instead uncover the greatness already within us by removing labels and the pressures to blend in so that we show up in the world as the purest version of ourselves - completely untainted
You are free to be who you are created to be
Prove you’re alive, live your own life, own your own life
If you don’t claim your humanity you will become a statistic; one of the many
Do you want to be you or like everyone else?
Don’t die before you’re dead, you have been warned... - Jed