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The UK Police State

We are already living under near martial law in all but name.

Curfews, travel restrictions, ID/name demands by police, all dissent, opposition or political meeting/protest is violently repressed – witness Manchester café owner Luca, who was punched in the face repeatedly by a police officer while another held his arms, and Liverpool gym owner Nathan deAsha who was beaten and kicked repeatedly by several officers as seen on a viral video.

At what point are people going to say “NO”?

We call upon the armies and the national police to stand with the people against the conspirators, who aim to expropriate you, and take your children too.

Police and armies will be replaced by machines in the New World Order. You, too, belong with the people and we ask you to stand with us in defending our humanity, our health, our families, our children, indigenous peoples and all of the natural life on Earth that sustains and protects us.

How much disruption, depression and chaos are they going to put up with before they finally snap?

Or is that indeed the plan, to cause mass riots and civil unrest?


*aslong as you do as you're told

The para-noid military

You are free to do what we tell you.

Think while it’s still legal.


Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what you’re told

Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right

Freedom over fear!


We are living in a Police Dictatorship. There is no opposition in government. Police are unleashing violence on peaceful protestors.

We do not consent to government social distancing measures infringing upon public and person life.

We do not accept enforced, mandatory masks or vaccines. We do not accept a dictatorship of lockdowns, threats of lockdown and Covid ghettos.

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