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No More Lockdown

Boris Johnson, 23rd March 2020: “We will immediately close all shops selling non-essential goods, including clothing and electronic stores and other premises including libraries, playgrounds and outdoor gyms and places of worship."

"We will look at them again in three weeks and relax them if the evidence shows we are able to.”

It was never their intention to reopen any of these places. They have destroyed countless businesses and they know exactly what they are doing.

Lockdown is an economic attack on small business

It’s not that the effects of the lockdown on the economy, jobs and stress are worse in terms of death than the virus. It’s that the lockdown is fundamentally unhealthy in every respect.

The policy of lockdown is a thoroughly inhumane policy, which is due to one track minds that can only think about deaths but not about life

As citizens were deemed insufficiently scared, the government warned of indiscriminate slaughter from the spread of invisible microbes. Daily Covid-19 death tolls were presented in live prime minister’s broadcasts, without the context that around 1200 people die of all causes every day in the UK.

With images of patients on ventilators and the prospect of ambulances turned away from overwhelmed hospitals, the general public succumbed to fear of a virus that is actually little more fatal than seasonal influenza.

Through brainwashing tactics, mass hysteria was induced by the authorities to maximise control and maintain a state of emergency, with people helplessly depending on the state for survival.

Lockdown, the world's biggest psychological experiment - and we pay the price!

Covid-19 recording is likely to be over-estimated due to testing anomalies and low diagnostic threshold. Meanwhile, tens of thousands die from other illnesses due to reduced access to the NHS and general fear. Doctors and nurses are not being allowed to do their job.

Mass hysteria is a collective flight from reason, but it does not necessarily manifest in people running around panicking like headless chickens.

Indeed, the authorities have created a controlled anxiety, whereby people’s minds are focused on a single threat, which may be averted if rules are obeyed. But as Scott Atlas of the US coronavirus task force remarked on Unherd (20 October 2010), ‘no competent government acts by instilling a climate of fear’.

A state of terror is damaging to society, unsustainable – and deeply unethical.

“Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he or she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Robert F. Kennedy

Quarantine is unhealthy people locked down, tyranny is healthy people locked up

The need for lockdown was based on speculative death figures generated from a computer model which referenced a similar pandemic exercise called event201

Research based on the Swedish pandemic response has shown that locking down the healthy is of little benefit compared to focusing resources on keeping the vulnerable safe

End lockdowns

End social distancing

End track and trace

Yes to body autonomy

Yes to freedom of speech & expression

Yes to common law

Stop the fear mongering, lies, lockdowns, dictatorship, destroying the economy and country

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