People are dying from COVID-19 jabs.
In an analysis of Covid-19 vaccine death reports from VAERS, researchers found that 86% of the time, nothing else could have caused the death, and it appears the vaccine was the cause. Despite this, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention continues to say that no causal link has been found between COVID-19 and the deaths.
“That’s malfeasance” says McCullough
Even more shockingly is a Toxicology Reports study found the injections are deadlier than COVID-19 “because not everybody gets the respiratory infection, and because the respiratory infection is treatable and manageable, in fact one is more likely to die after the vaccine than just take their choice with forgoing the vaccine and potentially getting COVID-19. Statically, in every age group, that is the case” he stated.
The data are clear that a pivot away from mass injections to early treatment for COVID-19 could save lives, and McCullough and colleagues recommend that you demand early treatment if you have COVID-19, whether or not you’ve been vaccinated
McCullough early treatment regimen initially includes a nutraceutical bundle of Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Quercetin. While you’re recovering from home, open your windows and get plenty of fresh air and ventilation in your home. If symptoms persist or worsen, he recommends calling your doctor and demanding monoclonal antibody therapy.
The treatment progresses to include anti-infectives like HCQ or Ivermectin, anti-biotics, steroids and blood thinners. If your doctor refuses to treat COVID-19 in the early stages, find a new one and/or visit a telemedicine clinic that will help as ‘the prehospital phase is the time of therapeutic opportunity”
He states “I have not let a single one of my high-risk patients get slaughtered by the virus. And any doctor who has - and there’s been a million doctors who have - is immoral, is unethical and from a clinical and civil perspective, is illegal. And I think there is going to be a price to pay.
It’s going to be years in the future, but there’s going to be a price to pay for all these patients who have died. And if you look through the records on all of them, I will tell you they were all inadequately treated. Every single one of them”
With the injections causing harm and failing to protect as promised, frustrations are mounting worldwide due to increasing injection mandates
The tension is ratcheting up all over the world as the Delta outbreak continues to flare in many heavily vaccinated regions of the world. When more than 25% of the population takes the ill-advised COVID-19 vaccine, this promotes a super-dominant mutant that can easily evade the vaccines’ weak protection, which has happened with Delta.
McCullough is among a growing number of experts who believe COVID-19 injections are making the pandemic worse instead of better, while effective solutions are being ignored and intentionally suppressed.
“Early ambulatory therapy with a sequenced, multi-drug regimen is supported by avaliable sources of evidence and has a positive benefit-to-risk profile while COVID-19 genetic vaccines have an unfavourable safety profile and are not sufficiently effective, thus they cannot be supported in clinical practice at this time.