From the moment we are born, we are indoctrinated into a system where our only knowledge comes from the agenda set by the state in our schools, the things we read or watch on the mainstream media, or our parents, family, friends etc
So, in essence all we ever know is what the state decide we need to know in school or what the mainstream media decide we need to know. Our only other source of knowledge unless we search for it, is our own experience
But the majority do not search for that knowledge. They accept what they are taught in school, or read in the headlines, or watch on the six o'clock news as gospel
"The man in the suit on the television said it, so it must be true."
They accept the official narrative without conducting any of their own research
They question nothing
Do you honestly believe there is not any more to know that what you are being told?
How naive
What does school really teach children?
Truth comes from authority
Intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat
Accurate repetition and memory are rewarded
Non-compliance is punished
Conform: intellectually and socially