"BY retaining the forms, institutions and ceremonies of our parliamentary heritage, though now rendered meaningless, the magnitude of the constitutional convulsion has been successfully disguised" - Ben Greene, The Party System and the Corruption of Parliament'.
Do you know how party politicians stole the vital role of the Sovereign?
They seized control through their party system and deceived us by calling it 'democracy'.
Their system forces you to choose a manifesto package and to accept all of it or none of it, or not vote. They call it democracy, but the description is a lie. It is only suffrage. (See www.democracydefined.org).
They created 'whips', offices that ensure their party representative in your constituency votes as ordered by the leadership and where are they getting their orders from, if clearly not the people?)
Showing their contempt for you, we read: "as long as we backbenchers vote the way the whips tell us, nobody cares much what happens during the debate," Julian Critchley MP (Con). Readers Digest, November 1989.
Even if you did not vote for the winning party, it becomes the government and has complete power over you, because the system is designed that way.
It then taxes you whether you can afford it or not. Political opportunists wait for lucrative contracts from government which spends your money (HS2 for example. because the party system is the centralisation of power.
It borrows money with interest (known as usury) and burdens you and your children with the debt. It controls your child's education, yet
Ofsted forgot to tell them of their freedoms granted to us by God.
You cannot withdraw consent to any part of this manifesto because you voted 'yes' to the system - just by being on the electoral roll.
Can you understand now what Lord Hailsham meant by the expression 'clective dictatorship'? All partics are part of this dictatorship, waiting their turn in power. "Once gained, a parliamentary majority has the potential for tyranny" (Hailsham).
Especially regarding matters outside the manifesto and depending on the ruthlessness of the leader.
All the parties reward obedient followers with peerages. The House of Lords conspired to remove
'Royal Assent' from the monarch.
Queen Victoria in 1854 was our last monarch allowed to assent in person.
So, in 1953 our Queen's sacred Coronation Oath to the British people to "govern according to our laws and customs" is made void, because party politicians claim their being "elected by the people" makes the Sovereign subordinate. Therefore, the MPs' oath of loyalty is also meaningless.
In this way, all parties, including Conservative, are part of the revolution against our constitution and our freedom. Simply by voting for any party you confirm your consent to this cleverly disguised fiction.
You may be outraged at these claims, but then please consider where your 'knowledge' about how the political system works came from, and who controls it.
John Cruttwell